Member Support

For Active Spark Sites Web Design Clients

Current Clients with an Emergency

Please email us at
and we will get back with you stat!

For reference, emergencies are limited to your site being completely unreachable. This is what we call a “hard down”. That means that when people type in your website, nothing appears. There are a few, rare other circumstances that are classified as an emergency.

Questions (Non-Emergency)

This is the order in which you try to get questions answered.

  1. Check the “Video Tutorial” list in your back office first for most any WordPress tasks.
  2. Search the YouTube Channels for WordPress or Divi for the task you are trying to finish.
  3. Post your question on the:
    Facebook Spark My Site group
    (You never know when other Spark Sites owners have answers!)
  4. Email our team at

"Spark Edit" - Content Support Requests

(for us to edit your website for you)
Email us at:
We will respond to you in 8 – 12 hours.
Edit’s will be completed within 72 hours once we have received all the necessary information. (For example, if it takes an extra week or so to get information back from you, based on work load, it may take an additional week or so to get your edits complete.)