Infopreneuring Training, Accountability & Coaching Web Presence

$64.95 / month and a $1,350.00 sign-up fee

You already KNOW your industry and skill set inside and out. It’s time you know how to coach and train others to succeed. You just need a solid framework! This is the Spark Freedom Framework for Infopreneurship.

Infopreneur Training, Accountability & Coaching Website:

You already KNOW your industry and skill set inside and out. It's time you know how to coach and train others to succeed. You just need a solid framework! This is the Spark Freedom Framework for Infopreneurship.

You Win:

  • Everything from the Infopreneuring Training & Accountability, PLUS (valued at $1,375):
  • Your Coaching Website Ready for the Market (Valued at $1,200)!
    • 3-4 Page, Custom Website
    • Landing Page
    • Links Page
    • Contact Page
    • Past Clients and Partner Page
    • 24/7 Tech Support
    • Access to additional edits (aka Content Support) $48.50/hr (1/2 the market rate!)
    • A free website refresh after 24 months (approx. 4 hrs of 'Content Support')
  • Total Value $2,575!

What You'll Achieve:

  • Market-Readiness!
  • No excuses - be ready to sit across from potential clients!

What You Get:

  • Everything from the Infopreneuring Training & Accountability, PLUS:
  • A Web Presence build, in tandem with your coaching and training!
  • Practice with your Unsales pitch and message!
  • PDF: Custom Action Plan Based on Your goals!

If you just need the basic Training for the Spark Integrated Product Rollout, or if you just need Infopreneur Coaching Training & Accountability, check out these other options:

Additional information


Training, Coaching, Web Presence